
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Google快讯 - Pokemon Go 

Pokemon Go 
每天更新 2019年12月25日
Pokemon Go's holiday event has returned, bringing new Gen 5 Pokemon and much more. Live right now and lasting until January 1, the event -- like ...
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With the sun about to set on another successful year for Pokémon Go, Niantic has decided now is the time to unveil its plans for the future ahead.
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Cryogonal is one of Pokémon GO's most season-appropriate Pokémon. Designed to ...
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Pokémon Go Promo Codes enable users to gain bonus items through specific advances. The capacity to deliver codes is only attainable through ...
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Trainers have reported that Team GO Rocket Leaders (Sierra, Cliff and Arlo) have new Pokémon lineups and can reward you with an opportunity to ...
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Stantler is a reindeer-like Pokémon in Pokémon GO. The creature has large antlers, and if you catch it during the holiday season, there's a chance for ...
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Beartic is one of several Pokémon who is appearing in Pokémon GO for the first time ...
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根據海外資訊站Couple of Gaming 透露,《Pokemon GO》(精靈寶可夢GO)迎來GO 火箭隊幹部對戰陣容更新,3 位幹部初始對戰寶可夢全面更換為阿勃梭 ...
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Here are the featured Pokemon to keep an eye on for the Winter Holiday 2019 ... in the game and likely the best non-Legendary Ice-type we'll ever get.
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There is good news for all the Pokémon Go fans out there. Niantic took to Twitter to announce that the company has completed rolling out a new AR ...
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