
Friday, February 28, 2025

Google快讯 - Pokemon Go 

Pokemon Go 
每天更新 2025年2月28日
As for the original Pokémon Trading Card Game, get a sneak peek at some of the cards we'll be playing with in 2025. How will Mega Evolution change ...
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Featuring both Mega Evolutions and Terastallization on the same battlefield, you can take part in high-octane matches with fellow trainers from all ...
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Pokemon GO makes a change to the storage limits for Pokemon and items that players will appreciate.
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If you're looking to schedule your weekend ahead of Pokémon Go's Go Tour: Unova event, we got you. We explain when Go Tour Unova starts and ends.
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Niantic 旗下手機遊戲《Pokemon GO》於「Pokémon Presents」當中宣布,「Pokémon GO Tour:合眾地區」全球活動即將於3 月1 日、3 月2 日舉行。
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In celebration of Pokemon Day, Pokemon GO trainers can redeem free codes to unlock in-game rewards for the augmented reality mobile title.
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此活動將提供各項趣味關卡,並提供各式精美贈品! 台灣三星「Galaxy S25旗艦系列《Pokémon GO》發現神隊友體驗活動」:.
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Jeff Prugpichailers, left, Ky Nguyen and Hin Chau collect Pokemon in the Pokemon Go Tour: Unova Los Angeles at the Rose Bowl on Feb. 22. (Myung J.
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Pokemon GO Tour 2025:合眾地區》全球版活動即在於本週末3 月1 至2 日於線上登場,全世界有《Pokemon GO》遊戲服務的地區都能體驗到,且大部分內容免費, ...
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Niantic's augmented reality video game phenomenon, Pokémon Go, may soon find itself under new ownership — and some fans are already working to ...
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