
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Google快讯 - ford f-150

ford f-150
实时更新 2025年3月13日
川普總統12日起向進口鋼鐵全面課徵25%關稅、進口鋁材關稅也大幅調升。關稅設下貿易障礙,已經很高的車輛售價只怕要再漲;全美最暢銷皮卡福特F-150在業界本就是 ...
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售价;115万. 颜色:太空白/黑. 生产日期;24-11. 配置:金属漆802A 全景天窗车身贴纸尾箱喷涂内衬满配. 点击展开剩下67%. 打开汽车之家阅读体验更好.
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Trumps steel, aluminum tariffs raise concerns over Ford F-150 prices Tariff impacts forecast a potential hike in prices for top-selling Ford ...
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Ford Motor is likely to be impacted by President Donald Trump's 25% tariff on steel and higher levies on aluminum, lifting prices and eroding ...
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... Ford F-150 and has a claimed range of up to 547km. The vehicle's unconventional design, while divisive, doesn't appear to have dampened enthusiasm ...
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... Ford F-150. New steel and aluminum tariffs threaten to boost car and truck prices, as well as dent automaker profits. The Latest Overhaul of ...
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Trending electric buzz. Ford F-150 Lightning. Americans remain skeptical of electric trucks (and skepticism is growing), but that hasn't slowed ...
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Honda Prelude. The leading name on this list is real, though. · Ford F-150 Lightning. Americans remain skeptical of electric trucks (and skepticism is ...
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