
Friday, March 21, 2025

Google快讯 - Trump

每天更新 2025年3月21日
US academics have warned that the Trump administration's efforts to slash billions of dollars from university research budgets will erode the ...
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President Donald Trump呼吁国会通过一项主要的Stablecoin法案,称这将使美元保持在全球金融的顶端。他在周四在纽约的Blockworks加密会议上的视频演讲中提出 ...
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在与克里姆林宫负责人会晤后,这位大亨与基辅领导人进行了长达一小时的对话:"我们走在正确的道路上". Trump e Zelensky (Ansa-Afp).
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Le président Donald Trump et la secrétaire à l'Éduction Linda ...
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U.S. President Trump delivered a speech at the Digital Assets Summit via pre-recorded video, stating that the United States is at the forefront of ...
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According to Jinshi Data, US President Trump will sign an executive order to close the Department of Education and return education power to the ...
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According to PANews, Solid Intel reports that Trump stated that the United States will lead the development of cryptocurrency and next-generation ...
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... Trump over the EU's tough regulation of US big tech companies. 尽管与美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在欧盟针对美国大型科技公司严格监管方面存在 ...
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唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统称赞他的小儿子特朗普男爵(Baron Trump)是一个"聪明的人",在周四的19岁生日之前,他的技术有联系。 总统说,当被问及 ...
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美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)计划利用对向与中国有关联的船舶访问美国港口征收巨额费用来重振美国造船业,这一计划正导致美国煤炭库存膨胀,并激化陷入困境的 ...
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Trump chce mír za každou cenu, Putin studoval školu lstí a intrik. Je to divadlo - YouTube
VLASTISLAV BŘÍZA: Trump chce mír za každou cenu, Putin studoval školu lstí a intrik. Je to divadlo. 43K views · 18 hours ago Rozhovory ...more ...
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